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2030, not 2045.

Why do we need to hold Sacramento City Council accountable to a 2030 carbon neutral deadline?

Because they won't do it themselves: 


What they agreed to: "Section 2. The City of Sacramento commits to ... implement emergency-speed carbon reduction actions towards eliminating emissions by 2030 as much as possible, recognizing that such a goal can only be reached through collaboration with regional partners as well as appropriate financial and regulatory assistance from state and federal authorities."


What they are doing: Reporting on and planning to meet these goals by 2045.


What they need to do: follow SMUD's lead and set 2030 as a serious goal to reach Carbon Zero, collaborate with SMUD and the County to meet these goals - and begin by shifting their own internal operations to emergency mode immediately.


What we need to do: Remind City council of their commitment, and demand that they direct staff to accelerate their efforts. Here are some talking points you might find helpful. Find your councilmember's email below our template and let them know how important reaching carbon zero by 2030 is to you!


To: Mayor, City Council Members (see list of contacts and email addresses)
From: Your name and group’s name (i.e., John Doe, Sacramento Climate


Subject: Urgent! Correction and Action Needed for 2030 Carbon Neutral Goal

Dear _______

I am writing to ask you to take immediate action to correct Sacramento City
climate action documents by changing the target goal date for eliminating carbon
emissions from “2045” to “2030”, and to develop action plans to meet this goal.

The effects of climate change are here, with devastating impacts on our
population and habitat. We are in the midst of a Climate Emergency that
requires urgent action if we hope to address this threat and preserve a habitable
environment for current and future generations.

I am a resident of [where you live, groups you belong to, community ties]. I am
committed to fighting the effects of climate change and working to stop further
damage. It is critical to align our actions with the 2030 goal set in the City’s
Climate Emergency Declaration and develop plans to meet that goal.

[Contact information]




Council contact information:


Mayor - Darrell Steinberg

Chief of Staff - Kelly Fong Rivas,


District 1 - Angelique Ashby,


District 2 - Sean Loloee,


District 3 - Jeff Harris,


District 4 - Katie Valenzuela,


District 5 and Vice Mayor - Jay Schenirer,


District 6 - Eric Guerra,


District 7 - Rick Jennings, II,


District 8 - Mai Vang,

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